PH LL3-2025 Cannabis
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that a public hearing will be held by the Village Board of the Village of Phelps on the 24th day of March, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., at the Phelps Village Hall, 8 Banta Street, Phelps, New York, New York, regarding the adoption of a Local Law which would amend the General Provisions of the Code of the Village of Phelps to add new definitions for “Cannabis Retail Dispensaries” and “Cannabis On-Site Consumption Establishments” and would further amend the Village of Phelps Zoning Law as follows:
- Amend the Schedule of Regulations to add cannabis retail dispensaries and cannabis on-site consumption establishments as permitted special uses in the C-1 Commercial Zone District and the M-1 Industrial Zone District along with corresponding dimensional requirements; and
- Add new regulations for cannabis retail dispensaries and cannabis on-site consumption establishments.
Any person shall be entitled to be heard upon said proposed Local Law at such public hearing. Copies of said proposed Local Law are available for review at the Village of Phelps Village Hall, 8 Banta Street, Phelps, New York, New York.
This by Resolution of the Village Board of the Village of Phelps.
Jill Seifert, Clerk/Treasurer