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Village Tidbits

  • VILLAGE BOARD MEETINGS: Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at the Phelps Community Center, Meeting Room; 8 Banta St. and convene at 5:00 p.m. These are open meetings and may be attended by anyone. Please attend and see what is happening in the Village.
  • WATER & SEWER BILLS ARE SENT OUT QUARTERLY February, May, August, November 1st – Payable by the last day of the same month.
  • THE VILLAGE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR NON-DELIVERY OF THE MAIL!! If you do not receive a bill please contact the Village Office and we will send out another.
  • WATER AND SEWER BILLS are sent to the property owner of record, including any final readings. There is a $15.00 charge for water readings requested at times other than the regular quarterly billing times. A Charge of $30.00 is added if the water is turned off for ANY reason. These charges are in addition to any water charge due, including penalty, if applicable.
  • DO YOU REALIZE that a leaky faucet or a leaky toilet can REALLY add to your water bill? It could cost you less to have it repaired than the amount added to your water bill if it is ignored.
  • LAWN MOWING: Please do not mow or rake trimmings into the streets, it clogs the storm drains. Also: according to Village Law, it is unlawful to allow grass to grow in excess of 8 inches. Each Village parcel shall be kept free of poison ivy, poison sumac, ragweed, goldenrod and other harmful weeds and rank or noxious vegetation. (Chapter 57 of the Village Code.)
  • NOTICE – NO WATER from roof drains may be discharged into the Phelps Sewer system, per the Village of Phelps Municipal Code.
  • OUTDOOR FIRES: Outdoor fires are prohibited by the Village Code except a barbecue fire or a fire for cooking of food and only then if in a fireplace or other fireproof container or barbecue pit and shall not be located near or adjacent to any flammable material or structure so as to cause a fire hazard.
  • FIREWORKS: If you are planning a fireworks display, a permit is needed, per Chapter 89 of the Village Municipal Code.
  • PHELPS TRANSFER STATION: The Village/Town Transfer Station is open Wednesdays from noon to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 8 am to 4:30 p.m. for your convenience. Account Cards are available at the Village Office during regular business hours. You may put as much or as little money as you deem necessary on these account cards. Check payments are also accepted by mail. RECYCLABLES are currently accepted free of charge. Brush may be taken to the Transfer Station at NO cost.
  • THE VILLAGE OFFICE has installed a Drop Box to better serve the Residents of Phelps. Payments received on the due date will still need to be at the Office by 4:30 p.m. at the close of business to avoid the 10% penalty.
  • GARAGE/YARD SALES: PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF YOUR NEIGHBORS. Parking can be disruptive to the traffic flow, consider this when planning or attending a sale.
  • SIDEWALKS: Does your sidewalk at your residence need replacement or repairs? The Village offers a reimbursement of $2.00 per square foot or 1/2 the actual and necessary cost, whichever is less, for replacement or repairs to sidewalks that are in need of attention. Details, specifications and an agreement are available at the Village office before replacing.
  • SWIMMING POOLS: Both above ground and in-ground pools require a permit. The permit is available from Village Code Enforcement at 8 Banta St., Suite 404.